Friday, 15 January 2016

Your Road To Success

Dare to be a success!

Successful people dare to succeed!
People are known of being afraid of failure but at the same time most of us are actually afraid of success. 
If we want to advance in our careers we have to dare – taking risks, chances, new challenges and the next steps in the career ladder.
Learning to take initiatives and challenges and to do self-marketing don’t come naturally to many of us. This is a process where each outcome would make us stronger and encourage us to take further steps and to dare more.
The key is first of all to put the action and results into perspective – what would be the worst that could happen and what would be the outcome if we succeed or fail, to plan small goals at a time and to work from within to achieve them as well as giving ourselves positive feedback and rewards each time we managed to reach each goal.
Below are some tips that would help you to dare:
You should set up small milestones for actions that you would like to achieve – for example: to meet new people or to talk at a meeting and then practice and use your courage until you reach those goals.
 Think about what is the worst that could happen – would you get NO for an answer? So what? You have more chances to get what you want if you ask than if you don’t dare at all.
 Dare to approach others and to meet new people
Dare to ask for help and to delegate tasks once you advance in the career ladder
 Dare to say No when needed
If you are not happy with the current situation dare to take actions and make a change
And last but not least - reward yourself for every step you take at the right direction.
Have a great week,
Unknown Web Developer

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