Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Scratchmen Apoo, Urouge, Basil Hawkins & X Drake Historical Connections one piece

Sir John Hawkins: Son of a extremely wealthy ship builder,Privateer in the Elizabethan era. English shipbuilder, naval administrator and commander, merchant, spy, navigator, pirate and slave trader. Often sailed with his second cousin Sir Francis Drake, waged battles against his arch enemy Sancho Pardo Donlebun with Drake, suberb naval strategist. Led many battles against the Spanish. Created a new faster warship. The first English trader to trade with the New World. Hawkins died at sea off Puerto Rico
Sir Francis Drake: Privateer in the Elizabethan era. Was the eldest of 12 sons. Prowled the shipping lanes of the coast of France. Did the first circumpolar navigation, sailed often with his second cousin Sir John Hawkins. Has a deep hatred for the Spanish after some of his men were killed in a Mexican town. Sailed on the Golden Hind and plundered Spanish Shipping off the coast of South America Died of the coast of Puerto Rico
Aruj: Born in 1473 on the island of Lesbos. Was one in four brothers all were also privateers. Was a privateer before he became ruler of Algiers, was captrued and made a slave by the King of Islands of Rhodes, eventually escaping. Was known for attaching sails to canons and riding across the desert. Was killed in battle against the Spainards.
Chui A-Poo: A notorious Chinese pirate in 19th century, commanded more than 50 boats, made his base in the South China Sea. After brutally murdering 2 English officers, he was hunted down and sentenced to exile to Tasmania but hung himself first.
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