Thursday, 21 January 2016

Oda has been asked about the story ending! Here is what he says about it! one piece

“The story’s end hasn’t changed once since the beginning. The problem is that I haven’t been able to really digest all the things that are happening along the way toward the end.” Inoue Takehiko Pia(2009)
Question: …Exactly how far ahead do you plan One Piece, and what is your story-planning technique?
Oda: I only have the ending of One Piece in my mind, and nothing else. But knowing the end point, I weave the story and make story arcs that build up to it. English Shonen Jump
“I just can’t help but draw a lot. The weekly format is set at 19 pages, but from the creator perspective I want to move the story along faster. I end up jamming as much as I can in there. There is also wanting to finish faster so I can relax.” Inoue Takehiko Pia (2009)
“The thing I want to do most in my comics is really not stories, it’s character models. I think like, “Is this style of person possible?” The time I spend doing all kinds of different designs is fun.”
Unknown Web Developer

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