Thursday 21 January 2016

شروط جديدة لتأشيرة الولايات المتحدة

شروط جديدة لتأشيرة الولايات المتحدة

تعتزم الولايات المتحدة فرض شروط جديدة لتأشيرات الدخول إلى البلاد، للمسافرين الأوروبيين الذين يحملون جنسية مزدوجة من إيران والعراق والسودان وسوريا، أو الذين سبق لهم أن زاروا أيا من تلك البلدان في السنوات الخمس الماضية.
ويقول مسؤولون أميركيون ومساعدون في الكونغرس إن وزارة الأمن الداخلي ستحدد الخطوط العريضة لوضع القواعد الجديدة، التي صممت لتحول دون دخول الأوروبيين الذين لهم صلة بتنظيم داعش إلى الولايات المتحدة.
وفي وقت سابق، فرضت واشنطن على مواطني الدول المسموح لهم بدخول أميركا دون تأشيرة لكنهم زاروا الدول الأربع المذكورة خلال الـ5 سنوات الماضية، الحصول على تأشيرة مسبقة قبل التوجه للولايات المتحدة.

The Straw Hat Grand Fleet Finally To Use!!! one piece

So people,I’m finally back at theorizing,and I have a hyped one this time,about the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
Maybe it’s too early for the Fleet to be used,but after the marriage of Sanji being thrown at us,and the fact that it will be with a member of the Big Mom pirates and family,to save Sanji the 8 members of the Straw Hat pirates won’t be enough.And for such a important thing as rescueing a nakama, Luffy won’t hesitate on using every and each help possible. 
Big Mom herself is a monster and she probably has a good amount of commanders who are very powerfull too,besides other strong members and all her fleet that will most likely be present for such an important occasion as a marriege,so the SH will need allies,if not the whole fleet,”just” the minks,cause like Capone said,the minks are right now allies.
The minks like we saw,are strong enough to fight Jack and his underlings plus his help,so I think that if not the whole fleet,they might be enough.
And to close this theory down,it’s quite possible that the Minks join the Grand Fleet and here are some reasons:
  1. They may be a country instead of a pirate crew,but they have zero ties to the World Govermnent
  2. The Minks have a huge debt to the Straw Hats,so no better way to pay then help rescue Sanji and the SH in future occasion by joining their Fleet
  3. Nekomamushi and Inuarashi were once pirates.
  4. Those two are powerfull enough to fight Jack head on and have real chances of winning.

Oda has been asked about the story ending! Here is what he says about it! one piece

“The story’s end hasn’t changed once since the beginning. The problem is that I haven’t been able to really digest all the things that are happening along the way toward the end.” Inoue Takehiko Pia(2009)
Question: …Exactly how far ahead do you plan One Piece, and what is your story-planning technique?
Oda: I only have the ending of One Piece in my mind, and nothing else. But knowing the end point, I weave the story and make story arcs that build up to it. English Shonen Jump
“I just can’t help but draw a lot. The weekly format is set at 19 pages, but from the creator perspective I want to move the story along faster. I end up jamming as much as I can in there. There is also wanting to finish faster so I can relax.” Inoue Takehiko Pia (2009)
“The thing I want to do most in my comics is really not stories, it’s character models. I think like, “Is this style of person possible?” The time I spend doing all kinds of different designs is fun.”

The 10 Best Foods for Flat Abs

The sad truth: You can crunch yourself into a coma and still have ab flab. If you really want a sleek, sexy midriff, you've got to tweak your diet. All of the best waist-whittling foods contain fiber to banish bloat, antioxidants to boost your abs routine's effectiveness, and protein to help maintain a healthy metabolism. Here, the top 10 choices for flatter abs.

1. Almonds

These delicious and versatile nuts contain filling protein and fiber, not to mention vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They're also a good source of magnesium, a mineral your body must have in order to produce energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar. "A stable blood-sugar level helps prevent cravings that can lead to overeating and weight gain," says David Katz, MD, a professor at the Yale University School of Medicine. But what makes almonds most interesting is their ability to block calories. Research indicates that the composition of their cell walls may help reduce the absorption of all of their fat, making them an extra-lean nut.
Try for: An ounce a day (about 23 almonds), with approximately 160 calories. An empty Altoids tin will hold your daily dose perfectly.

2. Eggs

You won't find a more perfect protein source. Eggs are highly respected by dietitians because of their balance of essential amino acids (protein building blocks used by your body to manufacture everything from muscle fibers to brain chemicals). We like them because they keep our hands out of the cookie jar. Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that when people ate eggs in the morning, they felt less hungry throughout the day than when breakfast consisted of complex carbohydrates like bagels. "The protein and fat in the egg may be contributing to the feeling of satiety," says lead researcher Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, PhD.
Try for: One egg a day, unless you have high blood cholesterol, in which case you should check with your doctor first. (One egg packs about 213 milligrams of cholesterol.)

3. Soy

Soybeans are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and protein. Plus, they're incredibly versatile. Snack on dry-roasted soybeans, toss shelled edamame into soups, and slip a spoonful of silken tofu into your morning smoothie. Liquid soy also makes a good meal replacement: A study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that overweight subjects who drank a soy milk–based meal replacement lost more weight than those who consumed a traditional dairy-based diet drink.
Try for: Twenty-five grams of whole (not isolated) soy protein daily. A half cup of steamed edamame contains about 130 calories and 11 grams of protein. Four ounces of tofu (94 calories) contain 10 grams. Choose whole soy foods over products packed with "isolated soy protein" — the latter may not provide all the benefits of whole soybeans.

4. Apples

A 2003 study in the journal Nutrition found that overweight women who consumed three apples or pears a day for three months lost more weight than their counterparts who were fed a similar diet with oat cookies instead of fruits. "A large apple has five grams of fiber, but it's also nearly 85 percent water, which helps you feel full," explains Elisa Zied, RD, author of So What Can I Eat?! (Wiley, 2006). Apples also contain quercetin, a compound shown to help fight certain cancers, reduce cholesterol damage, and promote healthy lungs.
Try for: An apple (or two) a day. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that the Red Delicious, Cortland, and Northern Spy varieties had the highest antioxidant activity.

5. Berries

Most are loaded with fiber, every dieter's best friend. The more fiber you eat — experts say that it's best to get between 25 and 35 grams every day — the fewer calories you absorb from all the other stuff you put in your mouth. That's because fiber traps food particles and shuttles them out of your system before they're fully digested. Berries (and other fruits) are also high in antioxidants, which not only help protect you from chronic diseases like cancer but may also help you get more results from your workouts. "Antioxidants help improve blood flow, which can help muscles contract more efficiently," says Dr. Katz.
Try for: At least half a cup daily, or about 30 calories' worth. Don't limit yourself to the usual suspects, like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. If you can find them, add boysenberries, gooseberries, and black currants to the mix for excitement.

6. Leafy Greens

Their cancer-preventing carotenoids won't help shrink your waistline, but their low calorie count definitely will. One cup of spinach contains only about 40 calories, while a cup of broccoli has 55 calories and satisfies 20 percent of your day's fiber requirement. Most leafy greens are also a good source of calcium, an essential ingredient for muscle contraction. In other words, they help fuel your workouts.
Try for: Three servings daily. Keep a bag of prewashed baby spinach in your fridge and toss a handful into soups, salads, pasta dishes, stir-fries, and sandwiches. When you get sick of spinach, reach for a bunch of arugula, broccoli rabe, or broccolini, a cross between broccoli and Chinese kale.

7. Yogurt

People who get their calcium from yogurt rather than from other sources may lose more weight around their midsection, according to a recent study published in the International Journal of Obesity. The probiotic bacteria in most yogurts help keep your digestive system healthy, which translates into a lower incidence of gas, bloating, and constipation, which can keep your tummy looking flat.
Try for: One to three cups a day of low-fat or fat-free yogurt. Choose unsweetened yogurt that contains live active cultures. Add a handful of fresh chopped fruit for flavor and extra fiber.

8. Veggie Soup

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University found that people who ate broth-based (or low-fat cream-based) soups two times a day were more successful in losing weight than those who ate the same amount of calories in snack food. Soup eaters also maintained, on average, a total weight loss of 16 pounds after one year. "Plus, it's a simple way to get your vegetables," says Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, author of Power Eating (Human Kinetics, 2001).
Try for: At least one cup of low-calorie, low-sodium vegetable soup every day.

9. Salmon

Seafood, especially fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These uber-healthy fats may help promote fat burning by making your metabolism more efficient, according to Kleiner. An Australian study showed that overweight people who ate fish daily improved their glucose-insulin response. Translated, this means that seafood may help slow digestion and prevent cravings. If that doesn't hook you, consider this: Seafood is an excellent source of abs-friendly protein.
Try for: Two four-ounce servings per week. Wild salmon, though pricey, contains more omega-3 fatty acids than farm-raised. (If it doesn't say wild, it's farm-raised.) If seafood's not your thing, you can get your omega-3's from flaxseed (grind and sprinkle on your cereal) or walnuts.

10. Quinoa

Never heard of it? Pronounced KEEN-wah, this whole grain contains 5 grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein per half cup. Cook it as you would any other grain (although some brands require rinsing). Quinoa's nutty flavor and crunchy-yet-chewy texture are like a cross between whole-wheat couscous and short-grain brown rice.

movies must watch before you die

1) Mulholland drive - Arguably one of the most surreal movies ever made. A lot of people either dislike the movie or are just oblivious to the 2+ hours they spent watching the movie. The fact that the DVD print of the movie was released with 10 hints to understand the movie is also a turnoff for a large number of people. However, if you really appreciate the "art factor" in movies, then this is probably one of the best movies you get to watch. The immaculate direction and beautiful picturization of the movie are the standouts. It's one of those movies which ignites your imagination and leaves things to your interpretation. Even Naomi Watts, an actress in the movie, in an interview admitted that she did not know what the director, David Lynch, exactly had in mind and had to rely on her own interpretation! 

2) Requiem for a dream - The theme of the movie is a pretty common one - anti-drugs. But what makes the movie excellent is its ability to leave an impression on your mind well after watching the movie. The reality of the characters, the chilling progression of the movie, the moving visuals and the precise editing are the standout points as you get sucked into the movie. Ellen Burstyn gives one of the finest performances you'll ever see and in my view, she was highly deserving of an Oscar for the movie. She was nominated, but she didn't win it though. Last but not the least, one must mention the powerful soundtrack of the movie, which sends a shiver down your spine as you watch the movie.

3) The Man from Earth - In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated movies of all time. A user review on IMDB puts it perfectly when he says that this movie "represents the true art of science fiction". Like 12 angry men, this is a movie which is conversation-based in a single room. And that's all the movie is. A conversation between a few professors from different fields. Yet, as the movie progresses, you get enamored by the richness of the conversation and its implications. A simple, creative and intellectual (economical too!) movie that will have an impact on you and make you wonder why more such original movies aren't made any more.

4) The Pianist - I don't normally watch a movie simply because it won an Oscar. But this movie truly deserved the Oscars it got. Set against the background of World War II, the movie depicts a musician who's struggling to survive the destruction around him. While director Roman Polanski depicts beautifully the gory details of the war, he also captures the essence of human emotions in a riveting manner. The visuals are stunning and captivating. The narrative is brilliant and coupled with the amazing direction, the movie is very involving and a must-watch.

5) Udaan - It was just my wish to include one Bollywood movie in this list. So, while there are lots of movies to choose from, I chose this because it's a lot more contemporary. Its a story of a boy who, after being expelled from his school, returns home to his father. The narrative is simple and the character of the boy is something most teenagers in India can somewhere relate to. It's again one of those movies that leaves a lasting impression on you. The music is awesome and has profound lyrics that touch the heart of the youth. One of the best movies made in Bollywood, the freshness of the movie is a big factor for me to include it in the list of 5 movies here.

  • Memento (2000)

    ​Chris and Jonah Nolan's finest work till date. The linearly non-linear screenplay let's you live the story from the protagonists perspective. The question posed in the end is something everyone should attempt to answer for themselves in their lives.
  • Equilibrium (2002) or Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

    ​Both movies are set in dystopian futures where a dominant government is imposing highly restrictive rules on the citizens. Both are fascinating in their own way.

    ​I haven't seen 1984, but I've read the book. The concept is what matters here.
  • The Matrix (1999)

    ​Reality and fantasy collide in The Matrix. Of course, you think you can tell what's the real in this story. But take it as a thought experiment. When Morpheus offers you the two pills, how will you choose? Are you sure what's real?
  • The Usual Suspects (1995)

    ​Kevin Spacey as Verbal Kint is splendid in this movie, which is Bryan Singer's best till date. I will say no more. Just watch it!
  • Fight Club (1999)

    ​The lead cast is teeming with talent. And the story and screenplay speak for themselves. This is one of those movies which started out as a dud but are now considered among cult classics.
  • V for Vendetta (2005)

    ​Bursting with philosophies and memorable dialogue.
  • Empire of the Sun (1987)

    ​Christian Bale as a young teenager gives his best performance till date, according to me. He might be Batman for the rest of the world, but this role is what define Bale for me.

Case 2. The dying part is real, and could happen in a few months or more.

Without any speculations or assumptions about you might be going through, here are some movies I would suggest myself to watch if I was going to die in a few months. Assuming the suggester-me has seen the movies, and the dying-me hasn't. The following movies have something to say about how one can lead their time on this planet in a constructive manner.
  • Schindler's List (1993)

    ​What will you give up to help others have a chance at survival?
  • The Green Mile (1999)

    ​Based on a short story by Stephen King, it explores a few things about life, death, and helping others.
  • Into the Wild (2007)

    ​Live free. Free of all worldly shackles.
  • Mr. Nobody (2009)

    ​Sometimes not choosing is the most viable option.
  • Seven Pounds (2008)

    ​Will Smith's best performance. It's all about helping others.
  • The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

    ​A cliched appearance on this list? Perhaps. But that doesn't make it unworthy. It teaches you that effort bears fruit, eventually.
  • Life in a Day (2011)

    ​If you have always wanted to travel the world and witness how different people live their days, then this is a valid shortcut, if not a substitute.

Case 3. The dying part is very real and is surely going to happen very very soon.

Honest suggestion: don't waste time on movies. Get out and live your life to the fullest possible extent with the people you care about and the people who care about you, and do things you love to do. (I apologize if there are any inherent unpleasant assumptions in this statement.)

I'm sure I've not mentioned many other really good movies. I'll add if I come up with more.

Anthony Ferreri
Anthony Ferrerimade movies professionally, watched movies, still sort of like movies
7.9k Views • Anthony has 6 endorsements in Movies.
The Exorcist
As soon as I see the credits for that film, I know I'm going to be watching a good one. I've seen it half a dozen times, and the effect is still the same.

Annie Hall

It's a great exploration of relationships. Definitely worth it's acclaim.


Oliver Stone's great exploration of his view of Vietnam (well, one of his celluloidal explorations. Another good one is "Born on the Fourth of July").

Taxi Driver
Morality in an immoral city as told by the protagonist/anti-hero.

Other movies on the short list:
Apocalypse Now
The Godfather trilogy
Blue Velvet
Wild at Heart
Lost Highway
Master of the Flying Guillotine
The Street Fighter
Hannah and Her Sisters
Blow Out
The French Connection

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Theory on Conqueror’s Haki and the unlocked potential of Haki

Someone has sent us this theory and I want to share it. It’s a great theory on haki and I hope you will like it 😀
“I want to speculate on the complete power of the Colour of Conquerors or Conqueror’s Haki.
It has been seen in most cases, that when someone uses CoC, people with weak wills are immediately knocked out.
Furthermore, Oda himself has said in one of the SBS Corner’s, “In the same situation as Luffy, someone like Shanks or Rayleigh would be able to knock out all 100,000 mercenaries under Hody, on Fishman Island. It depends on the difference in power between the user and his opponent.”
So we know that there is also a clear distinction, even between those who can use CoC.
(Example : Chinjao has CoC but would be easily defeated by one of the Yonko, even at his prime)
But why is there such a difference?
Furthermore, if this ability – Conqueror’s Haki is only present in a scant number of people around the world as Rayleigh told Luffy, there should be more to it than just being able to knock out those with weak wills, right?
I believe that the next step to unlocking CoC, is being able to create an entire field where Devil Fruit powers can be neutralized.
I believe this is why non fruit-users, mainly Monkey D. Garp, Pirate King Gol D. Roger and currently Shanks were and are able to compete with powerful fruit users, like Whitebeard or Kaido (assuming he is a Zoan Fruit user) in the previous generation and now Blackbeard.
It was seen in the movie One Piece Film : Z, when Luffy uses CoC on his Marine opponents, a purple field, like a magnetic field, starts expanding and knocks them out.
(All credits to the maker of this video)
(Check from 1:10 as reference to the above)
Similarly, in Marineford, Luffy uses Haoshoku Haki unconsciously and it appears as a blue field. I believe this is the next evolution for Luffy, mainly because he would not only be able to neutralize the effect of Devil Fruit powers inside his CoC field, but also protect the weaker members of his crew from a potentially dangerous user – reference to Blackbeard in the final fight of One Piece.
After undergoing more training, under another mentor, who could possibly be his father Dragon himself, or maybe another member of the remaining Roger Pirates, or another character who is extremely proficient in Haki, like Shanks, Luffy will succeed in being able to create a field of Haki. and this would ultimately help him stand up to the level of the Yonko and Marine Admirals and also protect his nakama in the upcoming battles which will be on a completely different level as the New World has been known to be home of some extremely powerful fruit users.
However, I like to bet my chances on Shanks training the Strawhats to prepare them for the highest stage. Why do I think that the Red-Haired pirates will help Luffy’s entire crew?
It is essentially the fact that Shanks’ crew has very few known fruit users and very proficient users of Haki (Reference to the theory about Benn Beckman being able to intimidate an Admiral like Kizaru).
Furthermore, I find it very hard to think that Luffy would be able to become a true Pirate King if his crew cannot beat the Yonko, Marines, World Government and finally, Blackbeard’s crew.
Blackbeard’s crew have been seen to be searching to steal Devil Fruit abilities used by others with the power of his Yami Yami no mi.
Without the use of Haki, I doubt that Strawhats like Usopp, Robin, Brook, Franky, Chopper and Nami would be able to beat the likes of Van Auger, Doc Q, Catarina Devon (known as the most devastating female pirate in history who I believe will face Robin), San Juan Wolf, Burgess and Lafitte.
As for Sanji and Zoro who are already familiar with the use of Haki, I think they will be able to train harder as they will have to face stronger opponents like Shiryuu and Avalo Pizzaro etc..
However, Zoro and Sanji are not yet at a level where they could be able to stand against a strong logia like Kizaru or Aokiji yet. I think so because, Zoro and Sanji are known to be almost equally powerful and yet, even with the use of Armament Haki on his sword, Zoro wasn’t able to cut through the Birdcage used by Doflamingo which is essentially a Devil Fruit ability.
So this leads me to assume that even Sanji is at that level right now. (I may be completely wrong about their power levels but this is just speculation for the coming arcs).
Therefore, I believe that there is still a long way to go for the entire crew before they can take on the world.
But it all comes down to Luffy expanding his CoC to save his crew from the effect of Blackbeard’s Gura Gura no Mi and also be able to stop the Yami Yami no mi himself.
I hope you like and publish my first theory.

Gear 5th – “Boogie-Man” Theory one piece

Monkey D, Bufford sent us his theory so here it is. Enjoy! 😀
“Many of you are curious about, why Gear 5th (FINAL GEAR FORM) will be called As I will tell you in this theory!
So let’s get started!!
There are a lot of things will be resembled to that Nightmare Luffy stuff, as I told in my previous Luffy’s Gear 5th theory.
After a long thinking I’ve realized that, Nightmare/Horror Luffy would be a too simple name for Gear 5th!
1) Gear 4th is called “BOUND-MAN”. 
As we all know that already!
And what’s more better to have a name for Gear 5th as…
(Gear 5th – Nightmare/Horror Luffy aka Boogie-Man in the back)
2) The reasons are:
I know Gear 4th is foreshadowed by Nightmare Luffy, but don’t forget the final gear form too, which is going to be also foreshadowed by Nightmare Luffy!
And in the very first time It’ll be called Nightmare/Horror Luffy, because Luffy will be in that instable form as I mentioned that already.
And I predict that, the episode about Gear 5th will be titled as
Gear 5th’s Nightmare Luffy form WON’T NEED ANY SHADOWS!!
  • 1000x more blood pump!
  • 2x more air blow!
Directly in the muscles & bones, including the neural & organic system not to mention about the skin!! As you watch it closer on that picture!!
What I mentioned that recently!
And Gear 5th with haki will be like THIS!!
Which is called “Color of the Monkey God”.
The powers of Gear 5th will be based on Horroristic powers.
  • Frankenstein (Electric powers) – Franken-Pulse Rifle, Franken Axe, etc.
  • Phoenix (The undying bird of hell, which means Red Hawk will be one a hell of a monstrous attack) – Phoenix Hellraiser, Phoenix Gun, etc. 
  • Solomon Grundy! (opposite of Hulk, which will be equal with Nightmare Luffy) – Jet Nightmare Pistol, Jet Horror Gatling, etc.
  • Phantom (for being more faster than Gear 2nd) – Phantom Bullet, Phantom Hawk Rifle, etc.
  • Oars! ( Changing the size of his limbs or even himself anytime the way he likes) – Oars Gun, Oars Gatling, etc,
Luffy will be able to use it only 5-10 times by occasion. Because Gear 5th is so dangerous to use, it can be cost in his life!! So Luffy will be also lucky to be having that final gear form. 
And in addition, when Luffy will use it for the very first time against Blackbeard, he’ll lose his mind, just like Goku did that with SSJ4 for the very first time. I know it’s not Dragon Ball, but the situation will be a bit similar like this one.
In other words he won’t be able to make a difference between friends & foes, Which is going to be lead into his FIRST KILL! With Blackbeard, who will be in Kaido’s DF form!!
Just imagine Blackbeard in Kaido’s DF form vs. Luffy with Gear 5th “Boogie-Man”
Sounds EPIC, eh?!
It’s no wonder, because if Blackbeard will kill Jinbei, then Luffy won’t let it so far.
Final thoughts:
Gear 5th needs AT LEAST! 5-10 years to acquire, so I’m sure about that, Luffy will master it in the 2nd timeskip, as his all of his Gear forms! AND HIS HAKI!
So don’t hope, Luffy will use Gear 5th on Kaido, because Gear 4th is the one which is made for the Yonkou. And Gear 5th will be the one which is going to be made for the government!

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Here is The New Highest Bounty in One Piece!

The new highest Bounty ever seen in One Piece! From the highest known bounty of 550 million beli of Ace to 1 billion beli of Jack(He’s worth as much as Luffy and Law combined!) . Damn that’s insane!
Can’t even imagine what the actual Yonko are worth, though.